Cara Memasak Pancake Fluffy (Japanese Pancake) yang Gurih!

Nikmat, Lezat and Berselera.

Pancake Fluffy (Japanese Pancake). A Japanese soufflé pancake is a pancake made using soufflé techniques. Egg whites are whipped up with sugar into a glossy thick meringue then mixed Soufflé pancakes are incredibly popular in Japan. Soufflé pancakes are fluffy, jiggly, sweet, soft, and so, so delicious.

Pancake Fluffy (Japanese Pancake) Fluffy Japanese Pancakes. featured in Pancakes Vs. Mix together the egg yolks, sugar, milk, and pancake mix in a very large bowl until it is smooth with no large lumps. In another large bowl, beat the egg whites with a hand mixer until stiff peaks form when lifted. Cara membuatnya pun tidak sulit, sobat dapat menyiapkan Pancake Fluffy (Japanese Pancake) hanya dengan menggunakan 7 bahan dan 9 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Pancake Fluffy (Japanese Pancake)!

Bahan Pancake Fluffy (Japanese Pancake)

  1. Gunakan 2 butir of telur.
  2. Diperlukan 1 1/2 sdm of susu cair.
  3. Siapkan 1/4 sdt of vanilla essence.
  4. Gunakan 35 gr of tepung pro rendah.
  5. Diperlukan 1/2 sdt of baking powder.
  6. Diperlukan 2 sdm of / 25 gr gula pasir.
  7. Gunakan 1 sdm of minyak untuk melapisi teflon.

But when it comes to pancakes, the fluffier the better. So when I began seeing photos of impossibly fluffy, soufflé-like Japanese pancakes all over social media, I knew I had to figure out how to make them at home. After a bit of experimenting and a lot of syrup consumption, I came up with a foolproof. These fluffy Japanese pancakes have a light and airy soufflé-like texture, are completely addictive, AND YES, you can make them right in your own kitchen!

Cara membuat Pancake Fluffy (Japanese Pancake)

  1. Baca bismillahirrohmanirrohim.
  2. Pisahkan putih dan kuning telur.
  3. Kocok lepas kuning telur (pakai whisk), lalu masukkan susu cair dan vanilla essence. aduk rata. ayak tepung + baking powder. lalu tmbhkn sejumput garam. aduk rata. sisihkan.
  4. Panaskan teflon dg api kecil. agar panasnya merata.
  5. Kocok putih telur hingga berbusa, lalu masukkan gula pasir sedikit demi sedikit. kocok hingga mengembang kaku.
  6. Ambil sebagian adonan putih telur, lalu campur kedalam adonan kuning telur. aduk pakai spatula/whisk hingga tercampur rata..
  7. Lalu campur adonan tsb kedalam adonan putih telur. aduk rata..
  8. Tuang 2-3 sdm adonan tsb ke teflon. lalu tutup teflonnya. masak slma 4 mnit. buka tutup teflon, lalu tmbhkn 1 sdm adonan. tutup teflon lg, masak slma 4 mnit, lalu balik pancakenya, masak lg hingga matang kecoklatan..
  9. Angkat dan sajikan dg topping sesuai selera. topping bisa gula halus/butter/maple syrup/madu.

My goal before sharing this recipe for fluffy Japanese pancakes with you was to make it accessible. Essentially Japanese Pancakes / Soufflé Pancakes are thick, fluffy pancakes. They are almost soufflé-like in consistency thanks to folding egg whites into a batter that is cooked in a round mold. Japanese pancakes taste like a delicious buttermilk pancake, but not as dense. They get their height from the whipped egg white meringue that's added after the rest of the batter is prepared, making them impossibly tender and airy.