Cara Memasak Fluffy Pancake Chocolate 🥞🍫 Anti Ribet!

Nikmat, Lezat and Berselera.

Fluffy Pancake Chocolate 🥞🍫. Learn how to make Super fluffy chocolate pancakes with a special ingredient.🍫🥞. Fluffy pancakes are one of my all-time favourite Sunday morning breakfast treats. The problem is that a lot of great pancake recipes call for buttermilk.

Fluffy Pancake Chocolate 🥞🍫 Mix both together until the chocolate fully melts forming a chocolate ganache. Easy, quick, fluffy chocolate chip pancakes from scratch. I've found that if I mix the chocolate chips into the batter, they all sink to the bottom, and I get weird varying amounts of chocolate chips in each pancake, so I just sprinkle them on after spooning the batter into the pan. Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, kamu dapat memasak Fluffy Pancake Chocolate 🥞🍫 hanya dengan menggunakan 11 bahan dan 4 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Fluffy Pancake Chocolate 🥞🍫!

Bahan Fluffy Pancake Chocolate 🥞🍫

  1. Gunakan 3 butir of telur (pisahkan kuning & putihnya).
  2. Gunakan 40 gr of gula halus.
  3. Diperlukan 80 gr of tepung terigu.
  4. Sediakan 50 ml of susu cair.
  5. Sediakan 2 sdm of minyak goreng.
  6. Sediakan 1/2 sdm of perasa vanila.
  7. Dibutuhkan 1/2 sdt of baking soda.
  8. Gunakan Sedikit of garam.
  9. Gunakan of Topping: #opsional.
  10. Siapkan of Selai coklat / strawberry.
  11. Gunakan of Madu.

These fluffy vegan chocolate pancakes are perfect for breakfast on weekends when you just want to take it easy and enjoy a nice slow morning. I've been craving fluffy vegan chocolate pancakes for breakfast for quite some time and seem to be making these on almost a daily basis lately. These fluffy chocolate pancakes are the perfect way for a chocolate lover to start their day! Thick and full of melty chocolate in each bite, this simple I also make a chocolate ganache sauce to drizzle on top of the pancakes while they are warm.

Cara memasak Fluffy Pancake Chocolate 🥞🍫

  1. Campur kuning telur + susu cair + perasa vanila, aduk rata menggunakan whisk. Lalu tambahkan terigu & baking yg sdh diayak, campur rata;.
  2. Mixer putih telur & gula hingga kaku, kemudian campurkan ke dalam adonan kuning telur td, aduk balik menggunakan spatula;.
  3. Masak dengan menggunakan teflon yg sdh diolesi sedikit margarin, tuang adonan menggunakan sendok soup;.
  4. Tunggu hingga 1 sisi kecoklatan baru dibalik, & tunggu hingga matang. Angkat, tambahkan topping sesuai selera!!.

With cocoa powder and chocolate chips in the pancakes. I love chocolate chip banana pancakes - adding cocoa powder will make 'em over the top delicious! I wish the weekend can come sooner because I want to whip up a batch of these fluffy pancakes already! This post may contain affiliate links or sponsored content. That means if you click on my link and buy something, I will earn a small commission from the Because chocolate goes with anything, let's start our day with the best fluffy vegan chocolate pancakes ever!