Resep: Banana pancake with choco vla and cheese Untuk Pemula!

Nikmat, Lezat and Berselera.

Banana pancake with choco vla and cheese. Welcome to my channel The Joy of Cooking. Disclaimer:- The Products used in this video are not sponsored and purchased with my money. Here's Neo bringing you another quick and easy recipe that kids can try and the whole family can enjoy: CHOCO BANANA PANCAKES!

Banana pancake with choco vla and cheese Stir baking mix, milk, sugar, egg, and vanilla extract together in a bowl until batter is smooth; fold in banana and chocolate chips until just combined. pancakes choco. pancake background. coffee and crepe. Sweet cottage cheese pancakes with banana. Chocolate pancake with bananas walnuts and chocolate sauce. Kalian dapat membuat Banana pancake with choco vla and cheese hanya dengan menggunakan 12 bahan dan 8 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Banana pancake with choco vla and cheese!

Bahan-bahan Banana pancake with choco vla and cheese

  1. Gunakan 10 sdm of terigu.
  2. Siapkan 2 sdm of susu bubuk.
  3. Dibutuhkan 2 buah of pisang (boleh pisang apa saja, sesuai selera).
  4. Sediakan 1 butir of telur.
  5. Gunakan 50 ml of skm.
  6. Siapkan 100 ml of air hangat.
  7. Gunakan of bahan untuk topping.
  8. Dibutuhkan 3 sdm of coklat bubuk.
  9. Sediakan 1 butir of telur (kuningnya saja).
  10. Diperlukan 50 ml of skm.
  11. Diperlukan 75 ml of air.
  12. Dibutuhkan sesuai selera of keju parut.

This is just like an banana chocolate chip muffin but its a pancake! You can add all the chocolate chips into the batter instead of using some to garnish. Prepare remaining pancake batter as directed adding more spray if needed. Place on individual plates and sprinkle with remaining chocolate chips.

Langkah-langkah memasak Banana pancake with choco vla and cheese

  1. Haluskan pisang dengan garpu.
  2. Masukkan terigu, susu bubuk, telur, skm dan air hangat.
  3. Aduk semua bahan hingga merata.
  4. Panaskan teflon dengan api kecil, tuang adonan ke teflon, untuk ukuran sesuai selera, boleh 1 sendok / 2 sendok sayur..
  5. Setelah adonan mulai bolong-bolong, balik pancake. (awas jgn terlalu lama dibalik, nanti gosong hehe). setelah semua adonan habis, sisihkan pancake lalu buat vla nya..
  6. Campur semua bahan coklat bubuk, telur kuning, skm dan air..
  7. Taruh di panci kecil, panaskan dengan api kecil, aduk aduk hingga mendidih..
  8. Setelah selesai semua, tuang choco vla keatas pancake dan beri taburan keju. selesai..

Make slightly larger pancakes and use a very thin spatula to flip. These fluffy Chocolate Banana Pancakes are healthy and easy to make. Sweetened with bananas and dark chocolate, you won't be able to stop eating Pancakes make any morning better. Especially if they are filled with chocolate. If you answered, "Yes!!!" then you MUST try these.