Pancake Banana Oat Cheese. Wonderful protein pancakes made with simple healthy ingredients like oats, banana and cottage cheese! Oat Pancake with a cheese and banana for fasty, tasty and healthy breakfast! You won't miss any of it!
For the goat cheese: Put the goat cheese in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk and mix until smooth.
Top with a dollop of whipped goat cheese and spoon the caramelized banana mixture over each plate.
Easy, healthy banana oat pancakes are a healthy, filling breakfast served How do you make healthy banana oatmeal pancakes?
Cara membuatnya pun tidak susah, kamu dapat membuat Pancake Banana Oat Cheese hanya dengan menggunakan 4 bahan dan 10 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Pancake Banana Oat Cheese yuk!
Bahan Pancake Banana Oat Cheese
- Gunakan 5 sendok of quaker oatmeal instan (merah).
- Sediakan 1 butir of telur.
- Dibutuhkan 2 potong of keju batang (meg cheese).
- Sediakan 2 buah of pisang.
Combine rolled oats, ripe bananas, eggs, baking powder and I love the idea of adding cottage cheese Liz. Will definitely try making them that way the next time I make these! These pancakes are a delicious, healthy and easy-to-make breakfast. Cookie loves bananas almost as much as she loves cheese, did you know that?
Cara membuat Pancake Banana Oat Cheese
- Siapkan pisang, dan hancurkan sampai halus dengan garpu..
- Kocok telur di wadah yang terpisah (mangkok kecil).
- Blender oatmeal, sebelum dicampurkan dengan pisang..
- Campurkan pisang dan oatmeal yang sudah halus, kemudian aduk sampai rata..
- Campurkan telur yang sudah dikocok dengan adonan pisang dan oatmeal yang sudah diaduk rata..
- Panaskan teflon anti lengket, kemudian beri sedikit butter..
- Panggang adonan pancake yang sudah siap, masukkan ke dalam teflon..
- Tutup teflon, tunggu sampai matang sekiranya 3 menit..
- Balik adonan pancake, kemudian angkat..
- Pancake siap dihidangkan. Selamat mencoba..
I couldn't resist making her twirl around on her back feet for bites of. Easy, fluffy, tender, naturally sweetened, and the perfect healthier breakfast or dessert! Leave a comment, rate it, and don't forget to tag a photo #minimalistbaker on Instagram. These oat flour pancakes are perfect for breakfast or as a healthy dessert. What do you normally eat for breakfast?